Jodi Beucler calls it “unjust.”
We suspect that many of our readers in Oklahoma and elsewhere would agree with that assessment, yet use other (read harsher) words to describe what one recent media report terms Beucler’s “insurance denial nightmare.”
Bad dream, indeed.
In a nutshell, the following summary details what Beucler has been dealing with in her marked uphill battle with an insurer that has been ongoing for about two years already.
Beucler was away from her house (a dwelling in Minnesota overlooking the Mississippi River) when her irate ex-spouse returned to the home and burned it to the ground.
Beucler had a lot of questions concerning that, but certainly no self-query concerning her status as a covered policyholder with adequate homeowners insurance. She had the policy in hand. And her name was on the document.
Notwithstanding that, there was a problem – and it was huge. Unknown to Beucler, her former partner had contacted the insurance agent and told him to remove his ex-wife as a policyholder. The insurer did just that, without ever contacting Beucler. The company is now in firm resistance mode, refusing to pay a dime for the burned dwelling.
Is that fair?
Suffice to say that Beucler has legions of supporters in Minnesota and nationally who submit that it isn’t. Her case is being probed by investigative reporters and has additionally been taken on by law school students being supervised by an insurance law expert.
Reportedly, Minnesota statutory law (and likely the law of most other states) requires that a party must receive a written notice of cancellation, Moreover, the researchers note that an appellate court decision in that state has ruled for the canceled policyholder in a case with a fact pattern similar to Beucler’s.
Beucler is adamant about resolutely carrying on her fight.
“[I]t’s what’s right,” she says.
We think most of our blogging audience would agree that.
Individuals with insurance-related questions or concerns can reach out for answers and aggressive assistance to a proven pro-policyholder insurance law firm.