If you have loved ones who depend on you financially, you will want to take the responsible action and include life insurance in your financial planning. Life insurance can be a source of support and relief to those left behind, and it can provide peace of mind for...
Millions Of Dollars Recovered
For Bad Faith Insurance Denials
Month: March 2019
A core reason why a health insurer needs to contractually perform
The United States has inspired both global awe and envy over the centuries of its existence, owing to its many protected freedoms and opportunities. People from countries across the world have looked at America as a bastion of hope and enduring upsides, across...
Medical industry concerns, care costs and patient challenges
As an Oklahoma health care policyholder, you just want to be timely and fairly compensated by your insurer when you submit a valid treatment claim, right? It’s not rocket science. You duly satisfy your contractual obligations and rightly expect that your insurance...
It’s small wonder why Americans are so concerned with health care
Americans are hardly a one-of-a-kind bunch. Based on any number of reports or studies, we seem to collectively line up on opposing sides as proponents and critics concerning just about any subject matter. Except perhaps health care. We doubt at Mansell, Engel &...
Insurer castigated in wake of disability rights activist’s death
Carrie Ann Lucas lived a dynamic and meaningful life that ended early late last month at the age of 47. Friends and advocates of her tireless work as an attorney on behalf of disabled individuals say that Lucas’ premature death was not only sad, but potentially...