Relying on your insurance to cover a medication, course of treatment, or needed procedure after receiving a devastating diagnosis from your doctor is what health insurance is for, isn’t it? And yet many people in Oklahoma and other parts of the country may have to...
Millions Of Dollars Recovered
For Bad Faith Insurance Denials
Firm News
Why don’t insurers cover experimental treatments?
A lot of people take comfort knowing that they have health insurance. But when a medical emergency strikes and these individuals turn to their insurance on their reliance on help paying medical expenses, these individuals are oftentimes quickly disappointed. Given...
Fighting a denied earthquake insurance claim
Insurance comes in many forms and serves many different purposes. An Oklahoma resident may have health insurance, homeowners’ insurance, and car insurance to protect their different interests. When something happens and they must file a claim, they may expect to...
Addressing a health insurance denial for mental health coverage
Having health coverage in Oklahoma is a protective device for people who are suffering from a medical issue. A common concern, however, is what to do if there is a denial of coverage. For those suffering from a condition that is harder to diagnose and may not be...
The 3 primary ways a property insurance claim goes wrong
For any property owner, you have property insurance. Whether you own a residential home, a vacation home or commercial property, you are legally obligated to have insurance on your property. You bought into an insurance package, you have been paying your premiums, and...