When you submit a claim to your insurance company, you expect them to handle it properly. And if you’ve diligently paid your premiums on time, then you probably also anticipate quick payment. Yet, the reality is that insurance companies often look for ways to deny...
Millions Of Dollars Recovered
For Bad Faith Insurance Denials
Insurance Disputes
The four reasons why health insurance claims are denied
Health insurance is supposed to provide you with a sense of security, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief when unexpected and massive medical bills come through showing that your insurance company has paid for most if not all of them. In reality, though,...
Do I have to pay a “surprise” medical bill?
If you live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and you have health insurance, you may have experienced a “surprise” medical bill at some point. A surprise medical bill is an unexpected charge from an out-of-network provider or facility that you did not choose or know about...
How can your long-term insurance claim be denied?
Long-term care can be extraordinarily expensive, sometimes costing well over $100,000 a year. Without proper savings and protection, then, a stay in a long-term care facility can devastate your finances, leaving you with little if anything to pass on to your loved...
Understanding refusal to defend
When a person purchases property insurance, they usually believe they are fully covered for unexpected events and losses. However, sometimes insurance companies refuse to defend an insured person, which can lead to financial losses and other significant consequences....
Can my health insurance deny needed medical care?
Insurance companies have a legal obligation to act in good faith when dealing with their policyholders. This means that they must treat their customers fairly and honestly, and not try to avoid paying valid claims or delay the process unnecessarily. However, sometimes...
Disability insurance claim denials in Oklahoma
You’ve worked hard so that you can be protected by a disability insurance policy. And in the unfortunate event that you do suffer from a disabling condition, you might breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you have protection. But as you navigate the claims process,...
What you need to know about your tornado insurance claim
Spring is here, and with it comes tornado season, which typically runs from April through June. This is especially problematic for Oklahoma residents who live in tornado alley, meaning that they’re at greater risk of being struck by one of these dangerous weather...
Preexisting conditions and life insurance
In years past, health insurance companies commonly used pre-existing conditions as reasons to deny coverage. After the Affordable Care Act passed, most insurance policies could no longer use preexisting conditions as a reason to deny coverage. However, this is not...
Resolving a denied tornado damage claim
Tornados can hit just about any time of year in Oklahoma. A tornado struck southeastern Oklahoma as recently as November 5. The tornado destroyed homes and businesses and caused one fatality. Tornadoes are incredibly destructive. Many homeowners in Oklahoma purchase...