The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives, from the way we interact with chatbots to find information online to seeing images of past presidents seemingly sharing a friendly tea in whimsical settings. Although the...
Millions Of Dollars Recovered
For Bad Faith Insurance Denials
Denied Insurance Claims
Frequently asked questions about denied insurance claims
Insurance serves an important purpose and provides a benefit in many areas of our lives. Car insurance, medical insurance or homeowners’ insurance are all designed to shield us from major expenses after an accident or disaster. The insurance claims process usually...
Avoid these mistakes in your homeowner’s insurance claim
When your home suffers damage, you’ll likely find yourself worried about the cost of repairing it. In many instances, this can be tens, perhaps even hundreds, of thousands of dollars. Although that can be incredibly stressful to think about, you might breathe a sigh...
Are wildfires covered by Oklahoma commercial property insurance?
If you own a business, you may wonder if your commercial property insurance covers damage from wildfires. Wildfires are a serious threat in Oklahoma, especially when the during extreme summer weather, like we are experiencing now. According to the Oklahoma Insurance...
What happens when your medical insurance claim is denied in Oklahoma?
If you have submitted a claim to your insurance and it was denied, you are allowed to appeal the denial through an internal process. The first thing that you will want to do is to look closely at your insurance policy to determine exactly what is covered and what...
Can my health insurance company drop my coverage?
Like most Oklahoma residents, you probably need health insurance to avoid paying extraordinary out-of-pocket expenses for health care and to protect yourself in case of a medical emergency. Having a good health insurance plan can provide you with a sense of security...
Why do insurers deny medical claims?
If you receive medical treatment in Oklahoma City, you may file a claim with your health insurance company to cover your medical expenses. While the insurance company may act like it wants to make sure you are able to get the treatment you need, it is doing everything...
Disability insurance claim denials in Oklahoma
You’ve worked hard so that you can be protected by a disability insurance policy. And in the unfortunate event that you do suffer from a disabling condition, you might breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you have protection. But as you navigate the claims process,...
Is it normal for an insurance company to come to my house for tests?
If you have a valid insurance claim and your insurance company denies it without a good reason, you may be a victim of insurance bad faith. This is a serious violation of the law that can cause you financial and emotional harm. One of these issues often revolves...
Why do insurance companies deny commercial insurance claims?
Owning commercial property in Oklahoma is similar to owning residential property, but there are important differences. Due to these differences, commercial insurance policies are different from residential insurance policies. However, the claims process for both is...